#DeGenderSports: Stories By Transgender, Intersex And Nonbinary Athletes Reclaiming Sports

From legislative attacks preventing transgender youth from participating in sport to news outlets sensationalizing trailblazers – transgender and intersex athletes are repetitively scrutinized by mainstream narratives that paint bodies as controversies. To challenge this historic misrepresentation, #DeGenderSports centers firsthand narratives by 41 trans, intersex, nonbinary and queer athletes, and folks committed to gender equity in sports. These stories were narrated to Ragi, and first posted on Pixstory. If you’re an athlete who would like to share your story, email: ragiwrites@gmail.com.

Taylor Rey: As an athlete who transitioned, I had to learn my sport all over again

Taylor Rey: As an athlete who transitioned, I had to learn my sport all over again

Aubri: Nature is very queer. Nature is not binary. I am a natural variation.

Aubri: Nature is very queer. Nature is not binary. I am a natural variation.

Mya Tshimanga: Everyone has a biological advantage, we’re never all the same

Mya Tshimanga: Everyone has a biological advantage, we’re never all the same

Wren: Strong women beat me before I transitioned, and continue to do so now

Wren: Strong women beat me before I transitioned, and continue to do so now

Cairo Nevitt: I describe myself as the Phoenix: "I can rise from the ashes"

Cairo Nevitt: I describe myself as the Phoenix: "I can rise from the ashes"

Seraphim Sol: My wrestling and drag borrow from each other

Seraphim Sol: My wrestling and drag borrow from each other

Cal Dobbs: Articulating my trans identity as an athlete has cured my eating disorders

Cal Dobbs: Articulating my trans identity as an athlete has cured my eating disorders

Keira: Nobody is going through a transition just to be better at sports than cis women

Keira: Nobody is going through a transition just to be better at sports than cis women

Tyler C. Wilde: Bodysurfing is inclusive as gender doesn't determine one's performance

Tyler C. Wilde: Bodysurfing is inclusive as gender doesn't determine one's performance

Amanda Branch: In disc golf, there’s much discussion by cis men against trans women competing

Amanda Branch: In disc golf, there’s much discussion by cis men against trans women competing

Mason LeFebvre: We’ve absolutely had our asses kicked by cis women on multiple occasions

Mason LeFebvre: We’ve absolutely had our asses kicked by cis women on multiple occasions

Julian: With transitioning it feels like my sport doesn’t want me in it anymore

Julian: With transitioning it feels like my sport doesn’t want me in it anymore

Mateo A. Ventura Bruer: People think trans folks are a threat, when we’re just begging for scraps

Mateo A. Ventura Bruer: People think trans folks are a threat, when we’re just begging for scraps

Heart: Yoga is an expansive practice that helped me realize that I am not my body

Heart: Yoga is an expansive practice that helped me realize that I am not my body

Kay | My arms feel like spaghetti: It’s challenging to see HRT’s effect on my strength

Kay | My arms feel like spaghetti: It’s challenging to see HRT’s effect on my strength

Jessica: Anorexia and bulimia are a constant struggle. My transition doesn't feel like mine.

Jessica: Anorexia and bulimia are a constant struggle. My transition doesn't feel like mine.

L: Finding connection to our bodies outside of dysphoria

L: Finding connection to our bodies outside of dysphoria

Amazin LeThi: Bodybuilding helped me on my journey to love myself

Amazin LeThi: Bodybuilding helped me on my journey to love myself

Kirsten Beverley-Waters: With yoga, I recognized that I was denying so much of what made me myself

Kirsten Beverley-Waters: With yoga, I recognized that I was denying so much of what made me myself

Cameron Beltrán: In martial arts, I found a piece of my humanity when I didn’t know I’m non-binary

Cameron Beltrán: In martial arts, I found a piece of my humanity when I didn’t know I’m non-binary

Truth Future Bachman: When people see us embracing our joy, they go into a self-loathing spiral

Truth Future Bachman: When people see us embracing our joy, they go into a self-loathing spiral

Jimmy Staley: I’m not a ‘respectable’ queer: I will take my space and won’t take punishment for it

Jimmy Staley: I’m not a ‘respectable’ queer: I will take my space and won’t take punishment for it

R: Your masculinity and physical attributes become a currency in the cricket world

R: Your masculinity and physical attributes become a currency in the cricket world

Lyla Harrod: Rather than a wholesale buying of all womanhood, I’ve constructed my own

Lyla Harrod: Rather than a wholesale buying of all womanhood, I’ve constructed my own

Finn Oliensis: The conflict in desiring masculinity in binary environments

Finn Oliensis: The conflict in desiring masculinity in binary environments

Sarah Van Vooren: I hope that in the future, gender doesn’t influence whether you can play

Sarah Van Vooren: I hope that in the future, gender doesn’t influence whether you can play

Charlie King: My body has inherent value regardless of my gender presentation

Charlie King: My body has inherent value regardless of my gender presentation

Afton Blake Brooks: As a trans woman, I have to work twice as hard as a cis female for recognition

Afton Blake Brooks: As a trans woman, I have to work twice as hard as a cis female for recognition

Toby: I was very upset about how running was taken away from me by medications

Toby: I was very upset about how running was taken away from me by medications

Alex Cruz: I knew how to wrestle before I knew how to walk

Alex Cruz: I knew how to wrestle before I knew how to walk

Robert Panico: It doesn’t take hormones to build muscles. It takes hard work.

Robert Panico: It doesn’t take hormones to build muscles. It takes hard work.

Lara Schenk: Parents felt I was stealing a spot as a girl on the boys team

Lara Schenk: Parents felt I was stealing a spot as a girl on the boys team

Jake Fedorowski: Lifting the weight that comes with being a nonbinary person in a binary industry

Jake Fedorowski: Lifting the weight that comes with being a nonbinary person in a binary industry

Sage Morrisset: Bodybuilding helps me create the body I want for myself

Sage Morrisset: Bodybuilding helps me create the body I want for myself

Eric Quallen: You don't see a lot of us trans athletes in the ultra distances

Eric Quallen: You don't see a lot of us trans athletes in the ultra distances

Jacob Sibley: Toxic masculinity and homophobia dominate martial arts spaces

Jacob Sibley: Toxic masculinity and homophobia dominate martial arts spaces

Kamal-Craig Golaube: As a Black queer man, I didn’t find myself represented in college

Kamal-Craig Golaube: As a Black queer man, I didn’t find myself represented in college

Gautam | In basketball, I realized that I’m perceived as a ‘secondary gender’

Gautam | In basketball, I realized that I’m perceived as a ‘secondary gender’

Brianne Rose-Myers Brinker: I think we’re all indebted to Lia Thomas for what she’s been put through

Brianne Rose-Myers Brinker: I think we’re all indebted to Lia Thomas for what she’s been put through

James Rehnvall: It’s weird to have to sacrifice between transitioning and playing sports

James Rehnvall: It’s weird to have to sacrifice between transitioning and playing sports

Pharrell Shaymar: Training with electrical tape and binders was challenging

Pharrell Shaymar: Training with electrical tape and binders was challenging